Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address

“Today we have gathered and we see that the cycles of life continue. We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, we bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as people. Now our minds are one.”

These are the opening words from the Mohawk version of the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address: Greetings to the Natural World.

This address goes on to give thanks and greetings to the Earth Mother, Waters, Fish, Plants, Food Plants, Medicine Herbs, Animals, Trees, Birds, Four Winds, Thunderers, Sun, Grandmother Moon, Stars, Enlightened Teachers, and the Creator.

As we enter the American holiday of Thanksgiving, gathering around the physical or virtual table with loved ones, may we remember the ways of the original peoples and give thanks and greetings to all life around us — honoring our duty to live in balance and harmony with one another and all living beings.

This Thanksgiving, I invite you to read the full address privately or with those at your dinner table.


To learn more about the original peoples, history and land you currently live, https://native-land.ca/ is a wonderful and easy website to use where you can simply type in your home address and it provides you with info on the history of your land.

Sending love,



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